Please use this thread to introduce yourself to your fellow Wild Geese. In particular, we would love to hear your Irish story. What are your ties to Ireland? Have you or are you in the midst of uncovering your genealogy? What are your particular Irish interests? The arts? Cooking? Literature? Travel?

Please tell us also about yourself. What are your occupations and hobbies? What are your goals and ambitions? Where are you from?

And finally we would love to hear what brought you to The Wild Geese and how can we help you uncover, share, and preserve your Irish Story!

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Sounds interesting Rory!

Welcome Rory! I does sound interesting. There are so many different ways to publish nowadays; it kind of depends on your goals and how or what you want to do!

Be well,


Rory a chara, you clearly have a unique story to tell. I don't know much about book publishing, but we have other writers within the community here who would also benefit from insights of others. I'm thinking of Brian Mallon, MJ Neary, Cynthia Neale, Margaret Johnson, perhaps dozens of others. Do you know Ed Maloney and Sandy Boyer? Are you a supporter of Sinn Fein today? There's a lot of politics to navigate with a book like this, it seems to me.

Gerry a chara,
I have read some of the authors you mention but not others.
It's true what you write, we have a wealth of writers within the community here.
I've gleaned a few insights reading interviews with MJ Neary for instance.
I am indeed a supporter of Sinn Fein.
I have a Seamans Proficiancy card and am entitled to sail pleasure craft throughout Europe but I'm not sure that this will help me navigate in the treacherous, shark-infested political waters I will land in if, and when my book sees the light of day.
I do think the story is unusual and that little light has been cast on this somewhat hidden chapter of Irish history.
Thank you for your helpfull advice
Best regards from me
Rory Padraig Dunne

Rory, you would undoubtedly enjoy conversing with fellow member John Anthony Brennan, who hails from Armagh. We have one publisher on board as an Irish Heritage Partners, e.g., Mercier Press, and are developing others. If I can make an introduction, don't hesitate to ask.

I have suggestions re: publishing in the US, Rory. The thing to do is research the publishers who have put out a "similar" book ( I do appreciate your book is unique) and follow their submission guidelines. The book "The Writer's Market" is put out yearly and will have all up-to-date information. Many publishers do not take unsolicited manuscripts, so while you're researching books, look at the author acknowledgements to find the author's nod to their agent, then write the agent. The idea is to knock on doors until one opens! Further, the more published material you generate, the more attractive you'll be to all. Submit to any magazine that'll take you, ( obviously, try Irish periodicals.) Consider posting excerpts of your book on-line at Wattpad or on your own blog, which you should publicize. In this day and age, there are so many ways on-line to establish a presence. At any writer's conference, you'll hear the same words over and over: "Build your platform!" I hope this is helpful!

Okay, I'd love to share my Irish story! I have Irish ties on both sides of my family that include, Isle Magee, County Antrim, County Clare, and Galway. I'm one of those Irish-Americans who heard the call of Ireland so loudly in my blood that I took a trip to the west coast of Ireland and didn't return for a year. It was as if fate directed me, for within my first three days of being in Ireland, I was offered a job too good to turn down! I lived in Connemara ( a very small town called Inverin- out side of Spiddal) while I worked in Galway City. It was a life-altering year for me in so many wonderful ways! I returned to the area last October to take photographs for the release of my second novel, entitled "Dancing to an Irish Reel," ( Vinspire Publishing.) Yes, I'm an Irish-American shennachie, and dare I say I'm convinced it came from my Irish blood. So nice to find Wild Geese! This is a wonderful community. Slainte to all!  Claire Fullerton, Malibu, California.

Hi there, Max here. I am from Italy but I am currently living in Dublin.

I'd say I am Irish: not by birth or heritage, but by choice. Dublin is just home to me. We had a chat with Gerry about that:

Ciao da Dublino! ;-)

Hi, my name is Adriana, I'm from Brazil and kind of an hibernophile - though I have no Irish background as far as I know. I can't trace the first time I fell in love with Ireland - I'm part Galician and Northern Portuguese, so I've been always after my Celtic background, and growing up in a very political family in the 80s I remember discuss the Northern Ireland situation at dinner table with my father and brother - I never forgot these lessons. All that smouldering love ignited in a true passion about one year ago - my husband was in a business trip and I was all alone at home, so looking for a film to watch i ran across Neil Jordan's "Michael Collins" - it's funny yet long story how I did it. I didn't knew Collins' story and I felt in love immediately, which woke up that little Irish soul inside me. I started to study and write about Irish History (I'm trying to learn a little Gaeilge too - I love the sound of it - but it's quite hard!) and now I'm planning my first trip to Ireland - now I want the real stuff, not only read about it!

I don't speak English very well, so please be patient to me!

Welcome Adriana!! Sounds like you are very much Irish at heart!!

Be well,


Thank you, Ron! I guess being Irish is also a state of mind! :)

Hi Adriana, I am from Vancouver, I am a hibernophile too! learned a new word today, went on wiki to find out what that meant, lol I have been researching the Irish now for almost a year, it started out with me wanting to find out why my dear Irish mother called me Burke, she said she named me after a great Aunt Hussey Debourgh, still searching but in the meanwhile I have fallen in love with the emerald isle as well. Her people came from County Kerry, Clare and Galway, this is a great site , lots of info


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