Please use this thread to introduce yourself to your fellow Wild Geese. In particular, we would love to hear your Irish story. What are your ties to Ireland? Have you or are you in the midst of uncovering your genealogy? What are your particular Irish interests? The arts? Cooking? Literature? Travel?

Please tell us also about yourself. What are your occupations and hobbies? What are your goals and ambitions? Where are you from?

And finally we would love to hear what brought you to The Wild Geese and how can we help you uncover, share, and preserve your Irish Story!

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Hello All, wanted to introduce myself as I start to explore and enjoy this group.  Just returned from my 5th trip to Ireland and pumped up to further explore my Irish ancestry.  I am one of 9 children born to an Irish Tavern owner here in Troy, NY.  My parents were John and Margery (Malone) Cooney.  I have traced my Malone roots to Ireland, County Offlay and Australia and met some lovely cousins over the internet.  On this last trip I met with Kirwan cousins in Galway and we exchanged some wonderful information.  Not yet able to track my Cooney roots back to Ireland.  Both of my great grandfathers were from Ireland, Richard Malone immigrated in 1860 and Michael Cooney immigrated in 1865.  Richard married Martha McGregor from Ireland and Michael married Margaret Martin, whose father was born in Ireland.

Won't bore you with all the details but I find genealogy so exciting.  Ten years ago here in Troy a group of folks, including myself, formed the Troy Irish Genealogy Society to explore Troy's Irish history.  You might enjoy taking a look at our  Looking forward to some interesting discussion on this site!!

Kristin Cooney-Ayotte

I invite you to meet my Irish history (in Spanish)

Hello Everyone,

My name is Kassandra Ellison. I just joined the group, found you by a posting on Facebook. It is my husbands family that has the Irish link, I am the one that does all the research. His Great-grandfather immigrated to Quebec Canada in either 1834 or 1839 (couldn't read the census record) Last name was Moffatt (various spellings) first name Robert. and he was Presbyterian stated on the census. I found several burials, births, marriages from Ancestry Presbyterian records. He didn't seem to have any other family with him when he immigrated. He was born around 1819. Died when he was 91, without any parents listed. Have no additional info as to where he might be from.

Looking for sources that might help.


Hi, Kassandra.

First of all, welcome to the Wild Geese community.  Great to have you aboard!

Now, I'd like to suggest joining the "Irish Ancestry" group here.  You can do so by heading to this link and clicking the join button in the upper right-hand corner of the page:

Once you've joined, there is a discussion thread where we're consolidating all our respective genealogical "brick walls."  You could copy what you've typed above and paste it into a comment in that discussion thread.  Here's the link for that discussion:

Let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks, Kassandra.

~ Ryan

My name is Raymond Gallagher  - I joined The Wild Geese because while I'm in the U.S. now, I do feel that Ireland is a big part of what I am - especially after visiting and seeing first-hand the people and places of Donegal.  My g-g-great grandfather sailed from Londonderry in 1834 (+/- 2 yrs) and settled in New Brunswick, Canada where there are many Gallaghers today.  My immediate family immigrated to New York in 1949 and I found the warmer climate of Florida much better about ten years ago.  We are planning to visit again next year - plus England and Scotland since my wife has Scottish roots.  I'm looking forward to the information and communication from the site.

Welcome to the Wild Geese Raymond!

Hi - I came to Canada in 1956 with my mum and dad. The railway was closing in Dundalk and my dad, God bless him, thought it would be an easier life here. I can't say he made a bad decision about that but I get back home every chance I get. My oldest son lives in Cork but the older generation is now pretty much gone. In fact, last time I was back, there was very little that reminded my of my first trip back in 1975. Even after being in Canada for so many years, I consider Ireland my home and can't help but shed a tear each time I see the green fields upon landing. I'm hoping my children will remember their heritage and preserve the culture.

Welcome Kevin! Thanks for telling us your story. I am also Canadian and it's great to see more Canucks joining up! Will you be retiring here or in Ireland? Given the chance, I'd go to Ireland to live ;) But I'm 4th generation so it's not as easy!

A Cairde,

I'm John Anthony Brennan from Crossmaglen, a small resilient town in County Armagh. My friend, the Irish musician Paddy Noonan introduced me to The Wild Geese and I am glad he did. My blog will be about all things Irish and hopefully will inspire others to delve a little deeper into their roots. There is a fascinating story embedded there.

My intention is to tell the real story of Ireland and not the Hollywood version nor the version beaten into us by harsh invaders. Our story begins at the end of the last ice-age and just before the great flood. The first chapter in my book titled, "Don't Die With Regrets," tells of the pre-Celtic cultures that inhabited Ireland and left something of themselves behind for us to inhale.

The book continues to tell, in memoir form, our magnificent history up to the present day. My hope is anyone who reads the book will come away with a better understanding of themselves and the land of their ancestors. They will come to realize that the reason we were kept downtrodden was the fact that the invader feared our potential. Thank you to all of The Wild Geese for welcoming me in. It's good to be home. 

Welcome to the "flock," John!  

First of all, let me tell you how thrilled I am to know that you are Paddy Noonan's friend.  I grew up listening and dancing to one of Paddy's records.  My mother would put it on the old turntable, and my sister and I would dance around the playroom and sing along.  Our favourite song was "Glorious Green."  I didn't even know he was a fan of ... we'll have to be sure to reach out to him.

You have a great talent for writing.  Thanks for introducing yourself here, and I look forward to reading more of your poems and stories here at

Thanks Ryan. Paddy Noonan is a great man. Reach out to him by all means.

Welcome all!

Paddy Noonan is a member? Cool!!

Be well and have a great weekend everyone!



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