Patrick Sarsfield was mortally wounded at the battle of Landen (Neerwinden) in current day Belgium on 29th July 1693. He was transported some 20 miles to the town of Huy where he dies a few days later. Huy had a hospital at this time. I am trying to determine where Patrick Sarsfield is buried. Would any Wild Geese Members have any information on his place of burial?

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He was carried from the field to the village of Huy, where he died in a few days, of the fever induced by his wound. He was, no doubt, buried there, but no stone marks his grave.

A search for the grave in 1889

Thank you Nollaig for your reply and help. I consider it a shame that the grave of our national hero Patrick Sarsfield remains unknown. Patrick Sarsfield was perhaps a link between old Ireland and modern day Ireland. He was the inspiration for the Irish Brigade at Fontenoy, which itself was the inspiration for the Irish Brigade at Mary's Height, Antietam and Gettysburg. T. N. Fewer wrote an article in the May 1986 edition of An Cosantoir magazine (magazine for Irish Defense Forces) on Sarsfield's death. He undertook some research in Huy and discovered in the parish register of St. Martin records of two unnamed French officers buried in Huy on the 8th and 12th August 1693. He did not indicate that he found graves to match the register. However he strongly suggests that one of these French officers may have been Patrick Sarsfield. I also came across an article under the name of A.Colthirst (who I believe resides in California) which states that there was a 'strange practice in France, at least, of leasing graves. It is highly probable that his remains were taken up after the grave lease had expired, and re-interred in the"Fosse Commune", or common pit, there being no one to renew the lease - gravestones were also removed on such occasions'. I hope that this is not the case. I also attach a photo of Huy.

Address: Rue du Mont St Martin 64, 4000 Liège, Belgium
Phone: +32 4 223 68 16
FYI Tony


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