June 28-30, 2013 - Blue-Gray Alliance Gettysburg Reenactment


Between Friday June 28 and Sunday June 30 will be the Blue-Gray Alliance's 150th Anniversary Gettysburg Reenactment.  There are over 10,000 reenactors registered to participate in this reenactment on the Gettysburg Battle, which will be held on the Bushy Farm off Pumping Station Road in Adams County Pennsylvania.

On Friday June 28 between 8:30am and 11:30am the actions of July 1, 1863 will be recreated.  Yours truly will be leading a recreated 19th Indiana of the First Army Corps "Iron Brigade".

On Saturday June 29 between 2:00pm and 6:30pm the actions of July 2, 1863 will be recreated.  The 69th NYSV Historical Association as part of the 3rd United States Volunteer Regiment will be renacting the 28th MASS of the Second Army Corps "Irish Brigade" assault across the Wheatfield.

On Sunday June 30 between 12:30pm and 1:30pm the actions of Pickett's Charges on July 3, 1863 will be reenacted with units portraying the 69th Pennsylvania's defense of the stone wall on Cemetary Ridge and blunting the Rebel Assault at the High Water Mark of the Confederacy.

The option for those in the Mid-Atlantic region to come and see this once in a generation event for themselves is there.

For more information those interested can visit - http://www.bluegraygettysburg.com/index.html - Spectator admission for the Blue-Gray Alliance Gettysburg Reenactment is $10 per day.

Your most obedient servant,

Peter M. Berezuk

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Pete, Godspeed, and thank you for letting us know what is afoot.

Gerry, the event was a great success.  I was speaking with a friend, author and U.S. Army veteran of 30 years - Gerry Barker - about the spectacle on Sunday afternoon and he mentioned he heard the "Roar of Battle" more than a few times during the event.  The sound of battle was one of the most terrifying things to men in the 19th Century in a world that did not have a constant noise from mechanized factories, motorized vehicles and the constant drone of electronic communications.  I lead a battalion of 190 soldiers in campaign conditions for four days and despite the lack of sleep, reduce rations, and the discomforts of rain, vermin and the hot sun it was a grand adventure to recreate the experience of the American Civil War and to learn from it.

The BBC sent a reporter to cover it and the group I was with is captured at 0:45 and 1:55 in her news spot located here...


There were also several amateur cameras out there and here is one from the Confederate view point attacking our works last Saturday...


And... this video from the right of our lines on Sunday Morning when we reenacted the last assault on Culp's Hill on July 3, 1863...



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