More than 1,500 lantern slides held by the University of Warwick library's Modern Records Centre have been digitised and made available online. The glass plate slides were used to illustrate "lanturn lectures" by British left-wing political activist, Henry Sara, during the 1920s and 1930s.

Included amongst the collection are 115 slides relating to Irish history, mostly focusing on the Easter Rising, War of Independence and Civil War, but also showing political cartoons about the 1798 Rebellion. Many of the slides will by familiar but there are several that have not been seen for decades (at least I haven't seen them before).

The Irish slides can be viewed here:

Many of the other slides, which focus on topics such as The Paris Commune, Imperialism, The 1926 General Strike, Russia in the 1920s etc, are well worth viewing and can be found here:

Tags: Easter Rising, Independence

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Fabulous news, especially as some of this is focused on the Easter Rising
I am currently working on a genealogical project about the Easter Rising


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