How many of us here have Irish?  I am an absolute beginner, but have found some good resources and am well on my way to learning.  I would be interested to know others on here who speak Irish! ^_^

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We have a nice little nucleus of Gaelgoiri here, Cindi, and it's growing steadily.  My wife and I are Irish-Americans now living in the heart of the Connemara Gaeltacht, so we're soaking it in.  This site has plans to implement groups and resources for Irish speakers and those who are looking to learn.  Hopefully you can be a part of that!

I would love that, Ryan. :)  How wonderful for your wife and yourself to have moved over!  I am in the process of applying for citizenship myself, through my Gramma, and I'm very happy about that!

Also, I noticed that there is a group of folks on TWG who are listed as Gaeilgeoir (Gaeilgeoiri?)...  How does one become listed as such on TWG?  Would you have to be fluent in the language or would any level of learning and enthusiasm suffice? ;)

tá cúpla focal agam

I as well, but not much more!  I can ask for a glass of red wine or a cup of coffee, point out random items I have added to my vocabulary, offer various pleasantries, but that's all for now. I will keep practicing and learning though! 

beatha an teanga í a labhairt

Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam.

Or, perhaps even more topical to my skill level..

 Is fearr Gaeilge bhriste, ná Béarla cliste. ;)

Hello, or maybe I should say, Dia dhuit!

I'm an American in the highlands of North Carolina, and there's still a lot of folks of Scottish and Irish descent here who are still making traditional music and the like, but I've not yet found anyone with whom I can practice my baby skills in Gaeilge.

I'm using DuoLingo and translated music lyrics for a good portion of my self-education, as well as watching videos and tutorials on YouTube. I love the resources available online, it beats the pants off the audio tape lessons I tried years ago!


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