I see a lot of Irish language words come across my desktop, and I'm flummoxed. How does one put an accent on a letter when spelling foreign words, e.g., Gaeilge, using our computers and tablets and smartphones, within Windows, Linux. Mac OS, Android, etc.

Tags: Gaeilge, Linux, Mac, Windows, accents

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I posted my reply before seeing yours, Lorraine.  Go raibh maith agat! 

A Ghearóid a chara, 

Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit ! (a day late) 

On my windows 10,  I went into settings, region and language,click on  language preferences There you can download gaeilge language pack.  After that is done you will see in options for keyboard "GLE"  click on that.  Then all you have to do is hold down Ctrl and Alt buttons simultaneously while pressing desired letter which will put the fada over vowel.  

Slán go fóill, Tom.


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