I see a lot of Irish language words come across my desktop, and I'm flummoxed. How does one put an accent on a letter when spelling foreign words, e.g., Gaeilge, using our computers and tablets and smartphones, within Windows, Linux. Mac OS, Android, etc.

Tags: Gaeilge, Linux, Mac, Windows, accents

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To be honest, rather than struggling with alt codes and such, I bring up google.com, type my phrase into the search field and, usually, that will bring up the phrase with the appropriate accents. I then doa cut and paste into my document or comments. It works fairly well.


The only accent mark you will need in modern Irish is the fada over vowels as required.

You get this by pressing the alt gr key before typing the vowel on a windows keyboard but for texting I just leave the fada out.

How about on a Mac, Ger? Any idea?

I have found a hack using Firefox's Dictionaries plug-in. Add the Irish language dictionary to your Firefox browser, and then Check Spelling using that dictionary. It highlights Irish words that are missing correct accenting.

Not too sure about the Mac, Ger, but I have seen Gaeilge keyboards over here (don't know if they would be available in the US).

There do seem to be plenty of apps available though. One I noticed recently was 'Greann Gaeilge', which is a handy dictionary/grammar resource for iPhone/iPads.


I will have to hunt down that Iphone App! My autocorrect is none too happy when I send out text Messages in Irish. I have noticed that it does autocorrect to the "wrong" yet correctword when I mistype an Irish word...

Don't tell anyone else, Bit, but I like the 'no fadas on my phone' excuse - so many less spelling fouls for me to make!

Buachaill dalba Gerry!  :-P

Using a samsung galaxy tablet  (android) or phone, tap and hold the letter you wish to put a fada over. Using desktop, press ctrl & alt together and letter you want fada over. á é í ó ú :-)

How about on a Mac, Lorraine? Any idea?

We dont use them much over here, waaaaay too expensive! Found this though:   http://talkirish.com/forums/t/26.aspx   

Maith thú Lorraine. Sonas ort!

I found that to use the fadai/ on my Mac (haven't figured it out on my Android..that's a different beast entirely! lol), I needed to enable Irish in the language settings (system settings) and from then on in, any time I want to insert a fada, I only have to hit the 'option' key and my vowel of choice.  Hope this helps!


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