U.S. negotiator Richard Haas has asked the parties from both sides of the political divide in Northern Ireland to consider what many heretofore considered unthinkable -- creation of a new flag for the gerrymandered Northern Ireland state.

Right, flags of nations participating in the 2011 . Northern Ireland is represented by the Saint Patrick's Cross. Countries in alphabetical order, from left, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, and Norway. Wikipedia Photo

We ask our fellow members to contribute their ideas for such a flag. The 'entry' that in the decidedly subjective opinion of the WG Team seems most engaging will receive an "Irish flag on a stick" from our Heritage Partner WeGotIrish.com. We'll announce the winner in a week's time, so sharpen your pencils, and your wit! WG

Tags: 20th Century, Ireland, Irish Freedom Struggle

Views: 964

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The Saint Patrick's cross might offend the atheists :).

What about a flag that represents the Catholic Irish, maybe using green, Orange representing the Protestants and white for peace between the two? 


Seeing the obvious in the face of the complex is a mark of genius, something that seems a bit lacking among key parties in NI.

Ronan, can you post a sketch of this most ingenious design?

I believe its similar to the flag of the Ivory Coast, which for some reason they burn on their bonfires.

Is it just me...or does this NI flag seem to resemble a flag of surrender? and a blood red cross to boot...hmmm

That much white is problematic, unless it is for bed sheets. ;-)

At last, one small step for Northern Ireland! Love the word "gerrymandered', Gerry! My wish, as a foreigner, is for the whole of the Emerald Isle to be united - one may wish . . .

Though others are making tongue in cheek references, there is nothing wrong with the Tri-Color has envisioned by Meagher.  The tricolor symbolizes everything we would want from a future Ireland.  Republicanism has always been the "broad church":Wolftone, Emmett, Davis, Parnell, Childers were all Protestants.  Only Whitehall, for obvious reasons, has portrayed this as a religious struggle, just as they painted their conquest of Scotland as a resolution of Clan Feuds.

An astute analysis, N!


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