Time: October 16, 2015 from 7:30pm to 11pm
Location: Gotham Hall
Street: 1356 Broadway at 36th Street
City/Town: New York, NY 10018
Website or Map: http://www.gothamhallevents.c…
Event Type: fundraiser
Organized By: GOAL USA
Latest Activity: Oct 16, 2015
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Last year, the GOAL Ball raised over $200,000 for GOAL’s humanitarian work, including a special appeal for our response to the Ebola crisis.
We were tremendously honored to have Ambassador Samantha Power join us as our guest speaker, her praise of GOAL’s humanitarian work truly represents recognition at the highest level.
In her speech, she said, “How could I not join GOAL tonight, when so many here are gathering in support of an organization that does so much for the most vulnerable and the most poor around the world?" We would be honored if you would join us in this year to continue to support our programs around the globe.
To learn more about GOAL, please visit our website
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