Irish Horses

Irish Horses ~ Connemara, Cobb, Gypsy, Quarter Horse or Thorobred

This is a group for those who love them and honor their place in the Tapestry that is Ireland

Ger has asked me to create this space to promote the Horses of Ireland

Anything horse related is welcomed... I'll be posting links for some of the Rescues

  • Ryan O'Rourke

    Here's a brief video of our three girls frolicking about.

    After a week of unusually warm temperatures here in Connemara (which always makes ponies more docile), the cool & windy weather was back.  This was, apparently, cause for much messing amongst these three girls.  Excellent accompanying music by Danú.

  • Bit Devine

    Look at them run! Those are happy horses!

  • Admin

    Fran Reddy

    Friskey :D

  • Heritage Partner

    ISLE magazine

    Just for fun - when I go to Dingle I often see this woman swimming with her horse in Dingle Harbour. Captivating!