John Walsh

73, Male



Comment Wall:

  • John Walsh

    Thank you Ryan O'Rourke for that most wonderful and evocative capture of the atmosphere on the 'Galway Stories' Literary Walk at the Cuirt International Festival of Literature in Galway on Friday. Doire Press ( is the publisher of the 'Galway Stories' an anthology of 20 stories by writers who live or have lived in Galway. Fresh off the press, the book is available from Doire Press for any of the Wild Geese interested in good literature from the west of Ireland.

  • Gerry Regan

    John, what a great pleasure for us to have you find your way here. Failte! In addition, you are the beneficiary of an ongoing promotion we're running through the week. As one of the first 10 members we've garnered through our coverage of Cuirt, you are receiving a copy of the Celtic rock compilation, "Larry Kirwan's Celtic Invasion." Provide us a snail-mail address offline and we'll be sending you it. Ger