My given name is Catherine... Once upon a time a 4-year-old girl was working the gate for her grandfather and his crew as they culled cattle for shipping... One of the cowboys asked Grandpa why I was there and "being a nuisance"... Grandpa said ..."She's earning her keep just the same as you. She might be a little bit but she's got a lot of try"... from then until I had my first son, I was called "Lilbit"... after having my son, the "Lil" was dropped...and now it's just "Bit"
Gerry Regan
Cindy, getting back to everyone on this film tomorrow!
Oct 15, 2013
Bit Devine
Hullo Cindy,
My given name is Catherine... Once upon a time a 4-year-old girl was working the gate for her grandfather and his crew as they culled cattle for shipping... One of the cowboys asked Grandpa why I was there and "being a nuisance"... Grandpa said ..."She's earning her keep just the same as you. She might be a little bit but she's got a lot of try"... from then until I had my first son, I was called "Lilbit"... after having my son, the "Lil" was dropped...and now it's just "Bit"
Aug 14, 2014