The Wild Geese in NYC

Ah, the bright lights, the skirl of the bagpipes, the constant procession of Irish cultural events and diversions — all in the greatest Irish city in the world. . . . Come join The Wild Geese in New York City as we pursue and engage Irish culture throughout the metropolis’ byways and boreens. Many of The Wild Geese are based in metro New York, and we will seek out their events and venues, among others, to provide support for them and for Irish culture in the city, whether this be in Carnegie Hall or the Times Square subway platform. Join us, let us know what events you recommend we support and we will look to ‘rally the troops.’

NWG of NYC Get Together ~ April 26th

When Saturday, April 26th


O'Lunney's Time Square

145 W 45th

Time: 8 p.m -

I will be in Secaucus over the weekend for a Celtic Tradeshow event. I make it a point to venture in to O'Lunney's when I arrive of a Saturday evening. I spoke with Ger earlier about getting together. He suggested that I invite the crew that resides in and around NYC.

Looking forward to meeting up with anyone who is available to come