The Wild Geese in NYC

Ah, the bright lights, the skirl of the bagpipes, the constant procession of Irish cultural events and diversions — all in the greatest Irish city in the world. . . . Come join The Wild Geese in New York City as we pursue and engage Irish culture throughout the metropolis’ byways and boreens. Many of The Wild Geese are based in metro New York, and we will seek out their events and venues, among others, to provide support for them and for Irish culture in the city, whether this be in Carnegie Hall or the Times Square subway platform. Join us, let us know what events you recommend we support and we will look to ‘rally the troops.’

Wild Geese Gathering - St Andrew's Pub - April 18, 2015

Hullo Wild Geese NYC!

It is that time of year again...when we venture to the East Coast in search of Irish wares for our store here in Arizona.

FLANO & I are planning on venturing into NYC ...Specifically St Andrew's Pub, 46th/Broadway... To hear one of our own, Mary Courtney, Play

She starts at 9 o'clock .... so the plan is to arrive a wee bit early to get a good table..

If any of you are available on such short notice... We would love to have a Wild Geese Gather!