Bird's Eye-View

Stretching after a long day of walking.

  • Gerry Regan

    Brenda, is this you pictured? Where was this taken?

  • Brenda Jackson

    Gerry Regan,

     Yes.  We had been hiking a lot that day and I was trying to find a private spot to do some yoga and stretching.  A friend took this when I wasn’t even aware they could see me.  Lol.  One of my favorite pics now.   My husband and I did an Irish Adventure Tour with Vagabond Tours.  I believe this is above Coumeenole Beach, if I remember correctly.  It was back in 2017.  So beautiful 

  • Gerry Regan

    Indeed, one of the most compelling pix I've ever seen! Great moment, Brenda! So glad you've shared this!