'Our Communion': A Poem

To bear His heir, perfection
No stain or fault, detection
This House of David's promised place
Her conception full of grace
Original sin, suspended
Eden's triumph, upended
I AM's ark of flesh and blood. 

Whose prophecy withstood
Herod's jealous sword
Flesh of your flesh, bone of your bone, blood of your blood
He who is LORD
Tabernacle to the great I AM
Tabernacle to I AM's only begotten Son
Where flesh, bone, blood and Spirit are perfect, one.

And man, unbelieving, believing, unbelieving, true
Oh, woman, thy Son is sun, thy sky is you
What Gabriel's Hail can tell?
Thy Son rose and set -- and rose again -- in Mary's mantle
Gentle, loving, gracious -- seven sorrows fall
Beseech Thee, we, hear Thy Son's call
Beseech Thee, holy Mother of us all.
                           -- Daniel P. McLaughlin (March 14, 2024)

  • Máire Malone

    This is a beautiful poem,🙏
  • Gerry Regan

    So soulful, this from a fellow that truly walks the path of faith each and every day!

  • Daniel P. McLaughlin

    God bless and Godspeed you, Maire and Gerry.