I Love Irish Cows!!! - Wild West of Ireland

Ok, so really I’m completely obsessed with and addicted to Irish butter. We eat it every single day. To be exact, I did the math and we eat 24 ounces every week, which comes out to…drumroll please….72 pounds/32.5 kg a year! It is the best butter on the planet so of course it comes from this magical country. That being said, Ireland is literally in my blood in more ways than one! I’ve always known that my roots on my mother’s side go back to Ireland, but where exactly has always been a mystery.

Even as a young child if you asked me where I wanted to travel in the world, I always answered Ireland first. I’m intrigued by and drawn to the people, the culture, the language, the symbolism, the land and the architecture. Oh, and the music! My husband thinks I’m a little nutty because I rock out to my Pandora Celtic music station whenever I’m working in my studio.

My mother and I have been working on our genealogy for the last few years and decided to really get to the bottom of it we would have to take a trip to the source. We were beginning to plan our 2013 trip to Ireland, when, in the summer of 2012, I found out I was pregnant with my first child who would be due in the Spring exactly when we were planning our trip! So that put a pause on our trip planning but now my little guy is 2 and we’re ready to get back to our planning. Who knows, if we win the contest, maybe I’ll even get to bring him with us!

I’ve traveled as close as England but while planning that trip I told my husband that I couldn’t see Ireland without my mom. I wanted my first time in Ireland to be with my amazing, loving, mother because she is the only other person in the world who would feel what I felt the moment we got off the plane and smelled the Irish air. The smell of home! 

Tell us why YOU want to experience the ‘Wild West’ of Ireland, and you might win a free 9-day trip there, courtesy of Wild West Irish Tours and WOW Air. Get the details!

Views: 218

Tags: ireland, of, west, wild

Comment by Tari Bramlett on June 11, 2015 at 5:20am

I love you, Tara Reynolds!  Irish cows are very cute!  Ha, ha, ha......


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