Brendan Hamilton


Longmont, CO

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Cynthia Neale

    Brendan, Do you have a web site or blog that keeps log of your work on your novel? And your poetry books? I know we talked about it in a feed, but I can't find the feed with your information.

  • Cynthia Neale

    Brendan, Yes, you surely should have a web site and it would help with selling your current poetry book.. You could have a blog as part of it to write about your ongoing research. It generates interest and people do go to it to learn about your work. It does take time to put one together. My husband did mine and it is in dire need of re-vamping, but he hasn't the time and I'm thinking about finding a college intern to re-design one. You might think about that. It could incorporate interesting aspects of your writing experience. Thanks for all your help with my research. I would love to be on Wild Geese site more, but hunkering down with my novel is a necessity when I have free time. Also, I think I asked to friend you on facebook. Although facebook keeps me connected with people and family I'd never hear from, I try to use it primarily for my work.