A chairde, we're interested in getting and sharing recommendations for outstanding products and services that support our collective exploration and celebration of the epic heritage of the Irish worldwide.
These would include books -- fiction and nonfiction -- as either downloads, hardcover or softcover; movies, shows and other video-based broadcasts (DVDs); music (mp3 and CDs); performances, e.g., dance, music, theater; handcrafted goods, such as jewelry, wood work, furniture; publications; websites; photographs; events such as exhibits and sporting matches; travel providers; tour providers; tourist destinations; tourism accommodations, more.
We think our community's mission -- to explore and celebrate the epic heritage of the Irish ... worldwide is best served by affirming critiques. We want to accentuate the positive and support vendors who we all feel are offering valued products and services to us. Highlighting the best providers might provide incentives to those not highlighted to upgrade their offerings.
These will allow us to identify the best vendors in the Irish heritage space; provide us leads as we seek to expand our roster of Heritage Partners (sponsors); and provide additional (and much needed) income as we now can earn a commission from most purchases made via links you provide here in the comments below.
Go raibh míle maith agaibh!
Your fellow members on The Wild Geese Team
Tags: Arts, Marketplace
This group are based in armagh please take a look at there web shop they have all sorts of lovely things from cards to mugs bags to jewellry and it is all community run
they also teach irish language and culture all over ireland should also mention cards for all occaisions in irish and books for education
well worth a few moments of anyones time
Jacqueline, go raibh maith agat for the head-up here. Siopa Cultur sounds a lovely place to shop. Do they have a storefront, as well?
yes it in the eurospar shopping centre in armagh city must go down and take a pogo of it my sister and brother in law are very much involved in this group and its all community run so any profits go back in to promote the irish language in town and further a field
I am putting it on my list for our visit home next June. WIth a week to spend in SO Armagh, I am sure we will find a day for Armagh city in tere somewhere.
Go raibh mile maith agat
Just checked out the site...good stuff! Thanks for the tip.
I was so excited when a local grocery started carrying Kerry Gold and Dubliner Cheese here in Tucson. Kerry Gold tastes like the butter I had as a child... and nothing beats Dubliner Red for cheese
It's not your imagination, Bill. Irish butter (and all Irish dairy products, for that matter) is superior to just about anywhere in the world. Fact. As Kerrygold's logo indicates, this is primarily because of the thick, lush, green grass Irish cows feed on year-round as opposed to grain and other stuff. I have a difficult time going back to America now and putting that whitish-coloured American butter on my bread, potatoes, etc. It's not even the same stuff!
Kerrygold is a fine brand. Being in the western province, though, I'm a Connacht Gold man. I met two elderly brothers not long ago who have an ongoing feud (a good natured one) over which of those two brands is superior. :-)
i grew up in smalltown wisconsin(the dairy state) and can remember my da, a traveling salesman, breaking if not the law, the moral code by bring oleomargarine home from illinois by the carful for half the village. this was in the 50's and i assume it was much cheaper. my sainted mother a teacher tried to stretch the dollar but it was not butter by any stretch. you mixed what looked and tasted like lard with packets of orange powder to create an ungodly mixture. when i discovered butter as a teen it was no big deal and i never had an appreciation for it till i tasted the real thing in eire.
I want to put in a plug for Aer Lingus. We fly them to and from America whenever we possibly can. Regrettably, there have been times when a budget required us to fly with their competitors, but we're never nearly as satisfied with the service and overall experience as we are when flying with Aer Lingus. The aircraft are always immaculate, the flight attendants are always helpful and pleasant, and we've never been significantly delayed for any reason. Whenever the airfare is reasonably within the same "ballpark," we opt for Aer Lingus.
i like them too. especially when they fly/flew out of Bal'mer which is 25 minutes from my door. for whatever their reasons, this is no longer the case. Interestingly troops from the states would fly from here through shannon on their way to deployment wherever....
Aer Lingus was always my airline of choice.... The flight attendants are always so kind and considerate... Flying coach, I was given two choices for my meal...I asked the FA which didn't have mushrooms... I have a severe allergy to mushrooms... and we were over the Atlantic at the time... They looked at both meals intently... and then apologetically said... "I can't say that either does or doesn't have mushrooms"... So I said..."No worries, I have snacks"... twenty minutes later, they came back a with a meal from Business class...saying "You are not going hungry on MY plane!"...
Because my Sweetie is an American Airlines retiree, I fly AA now... but I do miss Aer Lingus
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