The photo above shows White O'Morn Cottage in Tiernakill, Maumm, County Galway as it was in 1951 when Hollywood came to Connemara.  People in Connemara and even in Galway City are still talking about that magical six-weeks to this very day.

This old site, which now lies in ruins, is better known to the world as "The Quiet Man Cottage."  The structure was depicted as the home of Sean Thornton (played by John Wayne) and Mary Kate Danaher (played by Maureen O'Hara) in the 1952 motion picture "The Quiet Man."

As you will see in the video below, something needs to be done quickly if this lovely old place that survived the famine years and countless other hardships is to be brought back from the edge of final extinction.  Maureen O'Hara, in 2004, called the state of the cottage a "national disgrace," and I think most will find it difficult to disagree with her assessment.

What can be done?  What is being done?  There are multiple groups and organisations currently trying to work with the current owner of the property and Galway County Council to bring this dream to fruition, but complications and red tape still stand in the way.

In this discussion thread, I'm hoping to hear from the groups and individuals involved in this ongoing saga.  That includes the groups trying to raise awareness, the property owner, and the Galway County Council.  I'm also hoping to hear from anyone who has seen that grand old film "The Quiet Man" and anyone who understands the inherent value in restoring and preserving this important piece of Ireland's past.


Q&A with Mike Ward from the "Save The Quiet Man Cottage" group

Tags: Connemara, Film, Galway, Movies, Preservation


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I was reading somewhere on the web today that someone was living in Ireland nearby in 1989 and that the door was still there albeit that it was rotten!!! he said that he took a little piece of the rotten door and has had it in a frame ever since.

Hi Robin, Please allow me to introduce myself. My Name is Luke Gerard Lanigan, in Gaelic that reads: Lucas Gearóid Ó Lonagain. I was born and reared in Dublin. 21 years ago I moved to Galway and here I still live. I have an interest in Tourism, Cultural and Heritage. I admire people with foresight who are willing to adapt a positive and constructive approach to progress.With the exception of a son's admiration for his Father, I have never wished or pretended to be anybody else.Yes, I am in the early stages of developing a friendship with both Patrick McCormack and June Beck, I am enjoying the experience and look forward to strengthening that friendship, now and into the future. The fact that some of my ideas, goals and opinions may mirror somebody else's,is is not to difficult to comprehend considering the enormity of the global community. However it appears not everybody can understand this.I see it as a pointless exercise to continue  in a chat, discussion or debate with someone who refuses to accept that I actually exist ( I wish the Tax Man would take that approach :) ). In the meantime I will look forward in hope that someday the state will stand up an represent their electorate by providing the local community with the opportunity to enhance their area, with improvements within in the rural tourism sector.I have no doubt that the wider global community will also enjoy the benefits of such progress. ......Regards.....Lucas

Hello Luke, many thanks for your kind posting. My full name is Robin Sheldon which doesn't mean anything else in any other language (just my weird sense of humour). I was originally born in South Africa and my father was a foreign correspondent and we lived for a while in Chicargo then Toronto before being transferred to the UK. After our schooling many years later my parents moved to Artane, Dublin in the early '70's and this is when my love for Ireland started to blosson. We are retired now and have been to the SW region many times (Killarney) and this year went to Cong specifically to find out more about the film locations relating to 'The Quiet Man' and of course the countryside which we thorughly enjoyed. It must be very frustrating at times dealing with issues but unfortunately that's life and one can only but continue the quest. Nice to hear from you, ATB Robin.

Gina,  Yes Gina   ,  it seems Mr. Ebbitt   is  being most unfairly blamed  for    the  current condition of the ruins  and a lot of people   assume   the cottage was in near mint condition when he purchased it in the early 80s    when in actual fact   it was already in ruins    though most of the walls were still standing  the roof had  already collapsed  ,  its  windows and   doors   had  rotted  and fallen  out ,  

Mike Ward, I am delighted that you agree with most of what I said above. Alas I'm left here wondering what was the small part you did not agree with ?. I have no doubt you are not alone with your Curiosity dilemma, as recent posts show. As to your question, am I  implying ?.......Please read my reply again and you will find the answer. the part where I say : While I am not in a position to provide you with the actual facts as to who or what is responsible, nor do I wish to mislead anyone with assumptions......Lucas.

PS. Mike, why are you implying that someone would want to hasten the demise of the ruins ?

Lucas ,  While its generally accepted that some of the stones have been removed  by fans / souvenir hunters ,   it seems that broad hints    are being  made to indicate  that    the ruins  are being  vandalized   over the years  and that  this could   be the only logical explanation for  the  apparent   speed of deterioration ,   i would dispute that    on the grounds that    most of the damage was done  not just by the  weather elements  but by livestock   which shelter  in the ruins   , bear in mind   that   cattle will invariably   puck , scratch  and  climb over   and through ruins such as these   and after  25years  or more  of such  exposure  to livestock   what  condition can one expect   the ruins to be in   Now  had the owner  or the   farmer who uses the land  erected even the most basic fence to   protect the ruins     most of the damage could have been avoided   The  trees and bushes that grew   within the site   were allowed to grow    penetrating the outer and inner  walls    the  growth of these  over the years and the  winds   caused the  walls to collapse  all  this  combined  accelerated the  destruction and  ruination  of the structure  ,   

Thanks for your reply Mike.  I am unaware of these broad hints of vandalism which you appear to be receiving or the source from where you are receiving them. Neither do I have the  knowledge or possession of  substantial evidence which would allow me to agree with your allegations of blatant neglect on behalf of the owner or farmer (as you describe).......However on a more optimistic note. I have witnessed and visited successful restoration projects around the country. So thankfully all hope is not lost.

Well  Lucas thankfully   most projects  of this nature  are not  nearly as complex    as   the cottage ,  and very very few that i am aware of  involve such    a gap between  different  groups /  communities    advocating  the same cause ,  There are  lots of unanswered question   behind the   scenes   that   nobody seems to want to answer or indeed investigate  ,  for example   why   does Greg Ebbitt allow his lands to be used  for livestock grazing , He vigorously denies   he leases the land or receives any  payment or reward for its  use  over the  past  25 yrs  from the farmer ,   in effect and if that be truly the case then the farmer is a land squatter ,  The  boundary fences are very well maintained  and the land  appears to be  well taken care of   ...... squatters  dont   do that ....... 

Mike Ward, You appear to be asking me or the public a lot of questions about Mr.Ebbitt's actions and intentions. Despite the fact that earlier on in the discussion you stated " I  have been and am still in regular contact with the owner of the ruins   ( Gregory Ebbitt  )    over the past  few years". I am flabbergasted to think that you did not take the opportunity to ask him these questions yourself over the several years which you say you have been interested in the cottage.Mr Ebbitt's business dealings or the farmers, are none of my business. With reference to the gap between the different groups / communities advocating the same cause, this is totally irrelevant. The two groups that I am aware of are " Save The Quiet Man Cottage", "White O'Morn Foundation" and of course the wider public. All of these combined, exist only as moral support for a local initiative. In fact it is inspirational to see and hear the level of support that exists. The amount of people, irrespective of their opinions who have spent their valued time and hard earned money showing their support.YES, it would be great if this amazing show of support could be taken advantage of.......  " I’ve met some folks who say that I’m a dreamer " . I am also an optimist and a great believer in the positive approach. So please God, all is not lost.


 Lucas  , i wished to respond to your latest reply to me regarding the  cottage  however   the usual    reply  button     seems to  be either missing  or that facility  to reply has been removed   or is it just a glitch ,    and so  im re posting your reply here   ,  .......... and my reply   follows  ..............    ke Ward, You appear to be asking me or the public a lot of questions about Mr.Ebbitt's actions and intentions. Despite the fact that earlier on in the discussion you stated " I  have been and am still in regular contact with the owner of the ruins   ( Gregory Ebbitt  )    over the past  few years". I am flabbergasted to think that you did not take the opportunity to ask him these questions yourself over the several years which you say you have been interested in thecottage.Mr Ebbitt's business dealings or the farmers, are none of my business. With reference to the gap between the different groups / communities advocating the same cause, this is totally irrelevant. The two groups that I am aware of are " Save The Quiet Man Cottage", "White O'Morn Foundation" and of course the wider public. All of these combined, exist only as moral support for a local initiative. In fact it is inspirational to see and hear the level of support that exists. The amount of people, irrespective of their opinions who have spent their valued time and hard EARNED MONEY showing their support.YES, it would be great if this amazing show of support could be taken ADVANTAGEof.......  " I’ve met some folks who say that I’m a dreamer " . I am also an optimist and a great believer in the positive approach. So please God, all is not lost.............. My reply   .........  Lucas .   Im sorry to note you have misinterpreted   my   previous response to you ,    First of all yes i have been  and still am in regular contact with  Geggory Ebbitt   that is NOT  claim but a fact ,   And yes i have asked  Mr. Ebbitt   those crucial questions about his lands being used    by a local farmer  , i asked him if he was in receipt   of fees   from the farmer for the use of his lands     Mr. Ebbits  response was a resounding NO ......      he ( Mr. Ebbitt   )  went on to declare that anyone using his land for  livestock grazing  were   squatters ,   they had no permission from him   or his family ,  Now Lucas   my     mentioning   these   facts  on this discussion page  is not asking questions but i am merely     expressing my curiosity    as to  why   this issue   has not been raised    on this page before  my doing so  is to bring out in the open    to you and other members of this forum   some of the   very odd   and   questionable     behind the scenes     goings on in relation to the cottage     after all  ,isint that what this  discussion is all about to open debate  or am i missing something here ,       

  i would like to  pay compliment to the owner   ( Sean Maguire )   of the picture of the QUIET MAN COTTAGE   above ,  whom had it watermarked   with his copyright  , on the bottom left hand corner of the picture  ,  , his  picture was cropped  and his watermark removed    ( not  by THE WILD GEESE   page monitors or admins   ) but by a third party whom  have in the past objected to the use of this picture   claiming it was theirs  Sean Maguire  objected   on this website   to his picture being tampered with  and requested his watermark be restored by the third party   so far his request has been ignored    ,  


On a slightly different note, can anyone throw any light on the run down neglected bungalow that was built right next to White O'Morn? I am curious as to why it was built in the first place and why right next to White O'Morn. Was this built before Mr Ebbit bought the land or since? It's nothing but an eye sore to say the least and what a terrible shame it's so close to White O'Morn. Thanks in anticipation for any replies.


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