Lane England
  • Female
  • Mechanicsville, VA
  • United States
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At 9:38pm on June 5, 2013, Gerry Regan said…

Welcome to The (New) Wild Geese, Lane. Looking forward to learning more about your Irish interests. Tell us a bit about the Irish scene in Mechanicsville, and where in Ol Virginny is it -- on the peninsula, no, near Richmond.

At 2:52am on June 6, 2013, Ryan O'Rourke said…

Hey, Lane!

Great to have you here. :-)

I think you'll be particularly interested in a members' group we have here called, "The Irish Kitchen."  Just getting it going, but it will eventually have loads of recipes and some discussions about ingredients, recipes, traditions, etc.  If you hover your mouse pointer over "Members" on the top menu, the drop-down box will show "Groups."  Click on that, and you'll see a few groups, including "The Irish Kitchen."  Click on that, then click on the button at the top right which says, "Join The Irish Kitchen."

Welcome aboard, Lane!

~ Ryan

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